Every morning, I will go to Sahabat Beach for a jog as form of exercise. As a person who always working under pressure, it is important for me to have regular exercise to keep me fit and maintain my health. I usually go jogging for half an hour before breakfast. Sometimes I bring along my kids to the beach.

This morning, as usual, I started my car and drove to the beach. Two of my kids joined me and they were very excited. When we arrived at the beach, the scenery of the beach was very different, not as usual. There was a heavy wind blowing. It made the surrounding very unpleasant. Some of trees collapsed due to strong winds. I saw one fishermen boat was broken.

I felt that this was related to strong winds and giant waves which wipe out southern Philippine villages on 10 August yesterday. It was boosted by a southwest monsoon, wiped out hundreds of shacks on stilts and left thousands of people homeless in the southern Philippines. (TV3 news)

So, I have decided not to go for a jog but we walked on the reflexology stone which was facilitated here. As we know, reflexology is a treatment in which our feet are rubbed and pressed in order to improve our blood flow and help us relax...Syukur !!
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