Saturday, September 30, 2006

The sun disappeared behind a cloud..!!

The Noble Qur'an

"Alif Laam Raa. A book which we have revealed to you (Muhammad) so that you may lead the people from out of the darknesses into the light by their Lord's leave to the path of the All-Mighty, the Praiseworthy." [Qur'an 14:1]

Pada kebiasaanya, it's common for Muslims to go to the masjid for praying, studying and reciting the Quran during Ramadhan. Suasananya lebih meriah compare to bulan-bulan lain. But, this 'kemeriahan' will disappear at the end of Ramadhan..!!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Coward !!!

Just simple... you are a coward if :

- turn a blind eye to malingering at work, or
- let your subordinates come late to work or go home early, or
- tolerate those who feign sickness so that their colleagues can get overtime.

Why do we fear telling colleagues or subordinates about their mistakes...?? Or we have such attitude " i'm not paid to be nice to people"..

Ok, don't take it and just tip them off.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Ready for Ramadhan...

Ramadan is the month of enlightenment for Muslims.

It is the month of:

- revelation of Quran,
- reciting the entire Quran,
- tahajjud and qiyamullail,
- tarawih prayers, sadaqah, zakat fitrah e.t.c.

Am I ready for Ramadhan?..Am I prepare to embark on this tough thirty days?

It was mentioned by Rasulullah that there are some people who fast but gain nothing, only hunger and thirst..So,I don't want to be in these category.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Visit to Pamol Estate

Last Saturday, i made a trip to Pamol Estate Sabah at Beluran area in order to look at it and had more better view before i transfer on November 06. I went there together with 2 of my friends using 4WD (Mitsubishi Storm).

My new house at pamol

Beluran Prawn for our lunch

SK Pamol

SMK Pamol